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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hotel Subjects Sales & Marketing Part 6

 As kia know, guests / customers are now smarter and more critical than before, they are more literate, they have more choice and persainganpun increasingly fierce and complex. Therefore, it is a very important subject when someone in the field of hospitality wraniaga want to rake in more success in this decade now.

8 Rules to become a professional seller:
First rule: "What we face is people"
Sales only shown to those orang.Anda will not be able to make any sales if done to other people.

Differences guests that we will face include:
 Age / age
 Places to stay
 Employment or business
 burden that must be
 Target Background
 family
 Education
 Hobbies or taste
The goal came

Second rule: "Promote Your Self Up"
A seller who is a professional who believes that he is able to market their products beyond the target already ada.Dengan belief that he will be promoting itself in many different sales event.

Third rule: "Do not Relying Logic"
What is encouraging guests to come and stay over at our hotel, the decision to buy something? Introduction or feelings?

It is vital that you do not just offer that is needed. You should still look for what is needed, but then have to change needs to be a desire to mendapatkannya.Juallah result.

Fourth Rule: "Be selective in Use of Products"
It is very disappointing to speak with the seller who has less knowledge of products, but also the seller of the same mengecewakannya too love their products so that they see the play so very bored make guests.

"Remember 'guests will not be visiting and purchase the products you want, but what can be generated from the product for you kepuasaannya"

Fifth rule: "Show terms-the terms of your Sales Khas"
Each vendor, product or service have something special and as a seller you must set aside time to make sure exactly what aspect of the sales-specific terms that you have.

Sixth Rules: "Avoid Diseases banting price"
"Do not feel guilty for the price you" know your products and services you provide, may indicate that your product is the price reasonable.

Seventh rule: "Do not Just Talk, Show"
More guests will be fixed because a customer's eyes to see, not because the ears hear the spiel.

Eighth Rule: "Do not be Scared Competition"
A seller must have a professional attitude does not tremble with the surrounding environment, but rather when you show attitude grogi, the customer will be disappointed andapun and lose trust in you.

Posted by admin at 8:35 PM Labels:


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