Slavery in the old-fashioned, plantation slaves are periodically made to line up facing the same landlord-foreman foreman. They will be examined health and cleanliness. Starting from the tip toe sampe kagak hair all over there.
Landlord pongahnya sat surrounded by the foremen. Little Missy similar films in the era before TVRI still sorangan, kagak many kayak competition today. The slaves one by one ngadep to juragannya. He told his panuan or ngunjukin kagak, long nails or cut neat, clean or ketombean hair, teeth are also made to kagak too sampe kayak ngasin goats, so caught atawa jigongan kagak. Anyway, the whole body of slaves who examined kagak bercawat only one too.
Condition sebenernya like that also exists in our country was good VOC colonial era in coffee plantations, rubber or tea. Our forefathers would have the same ngalamin dibegituin the londo meneer. "Kalo inlandeer kowe the contract djadie koelie, kowe moestie same time we checked ikoet Poenja foreman, mengertie?!". Ric meneer time the same way our forefathers.
That era was when slavery was legally committed by the occupiers colonies throughout the region, about until the end of the ninth century teens. Very clear pattern of slavery, when there is a superior nation then the nation will become inferior slaves. Said the term homo homoni lupus, man becomes a wolf for another man.
Kalo nanya anyone still there kiwari era practice of slavery? The answer is clear, there is! Thousands or even hundreds of thousands or not impossible we will be millions of people in the land of slaves. The most obvious is in the arab countries sono, in which many of our migrant workers who employed a maid in the oil-rich region. Slavery kagak covert so obvious too much. I'm sorry my reply categorize work in cruise ships entered here. It's just more dimanusiawikan, so often we kagak 'ngeuh.
There is one activity that most makes me feel into the category of this pariah, when grooming inspections. Activities conducted by the management of cruise ship where we will check the cleanliness ama kerapihan ranging from shoes, cut hair, cut nails, body odor, to uniforms.This examination of work usually done before dinner. Night before the announcement posted on the bulletin board deket cabin corridors. So we sibuklah sampe nyemir shoes polished our rude and even wrote to ngaca, same clothes nyetrika sampe uniform pants really slippery, and hold the buttons that are selected because kinclong kegesek burem much as lift a tray of food from the kitchen.
D-day arrived, we the dining room steward and his assistant was told to report working dinner at the dining room half an hour earlier. This means we must cut our naps about half an hour. Pegel right?
All were told to queue in line to be examined one by one. Hotel managers, F & B manager, maite'd and asssistan maitre'd and essentially complete the headwaiter like lead in Saung Kuring, sitting in front of the ready with a gaze that sometimes digalak-galakin. Similar host centengnya deh ama!
One by one we, like the natives came forward, nyodorin hand checked for nails, ngeliatin that clean uniforms, shoes liatin trus kinclong udeh abis while ngeliatin our socks ama-colored pants, body muterin deh trus pragawan on stage like tujuhbelasan so they know the hair does not touch the back of our shirts Krah.
So, what difference does it make us equal in their coffee plantations, tea and rubber VOC times before? Hah! I realized then I felt did not make any difference with them. The concept of inspection with the nuances of slavery still exist only in a pattern that is more humane. Equality in some ways was biased in cruises. When handling and cleaning kerapihan not need to be done like that. Yacht crew could be categorized as well-educated group, they can think with good reason.
Self-esteem and dignity as a nation as abused children. A rule that makes me feel like a humble individual who on examination were performed. Was not there a more elegant ways in conducting this investigation? And why this rule does not apply to all employees whether it is skinned Caucasians, ama berkelir item? I do not know ...., Most them with pongahnya replied, "Hey! Take it or leave it! If you want to stay, follow the rule!" Well fate ... .., kalo udah sih kepengen digituin really be the Pitung. Ciaatttttt ... ..!
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